I Plan on getting some response on these contradictory blog subjects. Let the games begin :)

Today I'd like to start out with saying that I am in the midst of troubling times. My life is quite confusing actually.
My financial situation, like many of us, is right on the edge. My health is compromised mostly because of the stress that I self impose upon myself.
The people around me are also stressed out and it seems it's all because of what humanity calls it's highest God momentarily.
And that would be $.
There is a way out of this. And in my higher mind, I call it LOVE. Love is the answer. Each and every time a negative thought slips into my mind I remember Love. To me Love is all that is Positive in our world. And Positive is created with thoughts. You may think the world rules you, but in actuality, you rule the world and all of your immediate surroundings. Including the people, things & situations that enter into your realm.
As I have written in my book many moons ago. We as humans have power. Power to change our immediate reality and the entire world. You may say, this is unbelievable. Or you may say this is an impossible task. Remember my friends, with one Positive thought you can make a difference. We have to start the domino effect, we have to start the thousand monkey effect. The tipping point will arrive faster if we all share in this world wide effort.
Today, let yourself imagine a world without pain, a world full of sharing and caring. Imagination is the power within your powerful higher mind. If you can add emotion to these thoughts, emotion is the engine that gives the thoughts manifestation.