Home, Enjoying all my Friends and wild wild wonderful women! Women empower yourselves! Be wonderful!2/27/2014
![]() EMOTIONAL BUTTONS THAT MAKE US UNHAPPY Are you wondering what a Button is? A button is when you become unhappy about any person, place, thing or situation. You will become unhappy in a way that causes you anger, resentment or depression. It most likely will be accompanied by an uneasy feeling of some type. Your stomach may become upset, your heart may race, you may get a headache. Some will get what a lot of individuals are experiencing right now, which are anxiety attacks. What i'd like you to realize is that you do have control over all of this. Look deep into the cause. It is always about YOU. Never is it about THEM or THAT. You will continue to have this happen until you realize this TRUTH. All it really actually takes is to embrace the reason or the feeling that is causing you the inner pain. You do not have to “solve” it. You simply have to realize it. Sooooo- you may say how do I do this? I will explain. First stop. Take a breath, yes in the midst of all this. Then be the observer of the entire event that is unfolding in front of you. Look at what's happening, do not be part of it. All that is required to move forward with your awareness is to be the observer. You do not have to fix anything. You will continue to be uncomfortable for awhile. But after some time has passed, your higher mind will realize you have learned this valuable lesson and a positive drop in the sea of humanity's negative ocean will have been created. By you. And you will not have to go through that lesson anymore. Just in the realization of what has just happened in truth, you will have spread awareness on the planet. I try to explain the best I can to you some answers I have learned. I do hope my words come through in a way you can understand. I have help. Many higher beings are here with me now blogging away. Nameste' Linda I Plan on getting some response on these contradictory blog subjects. Let the games begin :) ![]() Positive Attitudes are Best STAYING POSITIVE IN THE MIDST OF TROUBLEING TIMES Today I'd like to start out with saying that I am in the midst of troubling times. My life is quite confusing actually. My financial situation, like many of us, is right on the edge. My health is compromised mostly because of the stress that I self impose upon myself. The people around me are also stressed out and it seems it's all because of what humanity calls it's highest God momentarily. And that would be $. There is a way out of this. And in my higher mind, I call it LOVE. Love is the answer. Each and every time a negative thought slips into my mind I remember Love. To me Love is all that is Positive in our world. And Positive is created with thoughts. You may think the world rules you, but in actuality, you rule the world and all of your immediate surroundings. Including the people, things & situations that enter into your realm. As I have written in my book many moons ago. We as humans have power. Power to change our immediate reality and the entire world. You may say, this is unbelievable. Or you may say this is an impossible task. Remember my friends, with one Positive thought you can make a difference. We have to start the domino effect, we have to start the thousand monkey effect. The tipping point will arrive faster if we all share in this world wide effort. Today, let yourself imagine a world without pain, a world full of sharing and caring. Imagination is the power within your powerful higher mind. If you can add emotion to these thoughts, emotion is the engine that gives the thoughts manifestation. Nameste' Linda Our newest Friend and college has an article in the chinook Observer this week, I tried to find it but can't. too bad, anyways he is available for sessions @ the Farm with advance bookings. While you are there for respite or a retreat. nameste' Lindy
![]() This is what I do for my every day work. Care give. My heart goes out for the Families of Alzheimer Patients. :( I loved my Grampa and Grama so very much, and they had to go threw this. That's another story. Gordy and Susan should receive the highest badge in what we call Heaven. He has so much wisdom in that body, mind and spirt and I am thanking him for sharing it with me as I sit attentively listening to all he has to say and I am honored to be the recipient of his thoughts. Blessings ![]() Miria and Prince her dad are a wonderful part of Compassion and the healing journey @ the Farm Spiritual Retreat. I can get lost in horse whispering , just being with these 2 amazing spirits all day. Miria and Prince have auras that extend out several feet. They surround you with compassion, playfulness and a curious knowing. You will truly find the horses to perhaps be the wisest teachers there. Blessings. Linda Christenson |
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